Sunday, April 12, 2009

Scott Thomas- Obama's Graphic Desiger

In one of the most historic presidential election of this countries history I couldn't help but notice what a great job Obama's graphic designer did with his branding materials. While most Americans were captivated by possibly having the first black present in U.S. history and Sarah Palin I wanted to know who was designing Obama's website and branding material. The designer is Scott Thomas whose designs were sleek and appealed to young and old voters.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Design Option Graduate Walk- Through (CSULA)

As a graphic designer I am always on the look out for what other designers are doing. Yesterday at the Design Option Graduate Walk- Through at Cal State LA I had an opportunity to check out what graduate student at CSULA have been working on. I was really impressed by everyones work but in particular the work of Joe Bautista. His eye catching designs simply grabbed me. His Adobe Creative Suite ad campaign designs entitled " An Extension of Your Imagination" really communicated a message that you can express your creativity and design what ever you imagine by designing with Adobe CS4. Looking at Bautista's designs reminded me of how much of a graphic design fan I am and how much I need to step my design game up. I believe that as designers we constantly need to learn from each other and push ourselves to contribute something new to art of design.